Questions & Answers
Call for Applications for Quality and Innovative Journalism
Whether you are considering applying or just want to learn more about the call, you can find more information in our calls Q&A section below.
1. In the budget form, you added column B for staff which refers to "the share of the measures in percentage per month" would you explain to us in more detail this column, if possible, with an example?
The Budget line No. 1 (Staff) refers to Personnel costs where you enter the Positions of staff to be allocated to certain tasks within the foreseen project. The shares in percent per person should be explicitly entered. Column F contains the gross salary per month and column B the share of the measures in percentage per month.
This means that the potential recipient enters the % amount of the XX staff member participation in the context of the project and that percentage is applied to the amount of the total gross salary. The total eligible amount for each staff member for this project appears in column “G”-Total GIZ Contribution.
2. Can freelance journalists apply, who are not part of a legal entity or any media organization?
Free-lance journalists with a recognizable track record are eligible to apply for this grant without being a legal entity or being part of any media organization. In that case fields like address and webpage of Legal Entity etc. are to be filled out with personal information.
3. Is it necessary to have your own contribution to the project proposal?
Yes, but your own contribution does not need to be financial it can be in kind, if your contribution is financial you need to include it in the budget. If your contribution is in kind, this must be described within the project proposal.
4. Can we pay for the rent of the office from this project, and can we hire an accountant?
GIZ cannot cover partial costs (% amount) except staff costs. All costs within the budget must be clearly linked to the project proposal. Rent costs cannot be covered since they are considered shared costs. You can hire an accountant for the project implementation through an employment contract or as external expertise.
5. Is there a limit to the budget, how much of % of the project can be dedicated to equipment or staff?
There are no specific limits regarding the allocation of costs within the budget. It is important to aim for a balance regarding the project purpose ie. to include needed costs in the Budget which are needed for the successful implementation of the project. The listed % amount of proposed staff in budget line 1. should cover the proportion of normal working time spent by the staff on implementing the project.
6. And should we send the application until Saturday the 19th or is Sunday 20th during the day okay?
We accept applications till Sunday 20th, the end of the day.
7. Do we need to explain the impact the project proposal will have beyond the duration of the proposed project?
The impact of the project proposal must be described but the expected impact beyond the project implementation can be elaborated so it's not a must. We would be appreciated to receive that kind of information as well.
8. If we decide, for example, to co-finance administrative costs (rent, electricity, phone etc.) - do we need to justify those costs?
If you indicate within the budget your financial contribution, then you must provide proof of those costs. We will need proof and an explanation of what was covered. If you list those costs as an in-kind contribution, then you refer to them in the narrative report.
9. Should the amount in the budget be VAT free, or are we going to be obligated to conduct tax exemption procedures?
You are not obliged to conduct tax exemptions. If you have a tax exemption, then you should calculate without tax and indicate this within the project proposal.
10. Can you tell us something about what can be innovative activity?
Some examples of innovative activities this call can cover are testing new products, and tools; trying to reach new audiences; introducing new internal procedures and external procedures (e.g. digital strategy), etc.
11. Can we use an actual tool in the implementation of the project?
Yes, the project proposal can include an already existing tool that needs funding to be further developed.
12. Do you support software or license purchases?
Yes, if they are required for the successful implementation of the project.
13. Can you please explain the budget form and the difference between columns B/D and A/C?
Column “A” refers to the description of the activity foreseen. This column needs to have a brief description of the position, service, work, procurement, etc. to be provided (ex. External expert-in-charge for the organization of work in the working space).
In column “B” the amount of the content described in column “A” needs to be inserted (ex. if you have listed the External expert in charge in column “A” and it is foreseen to have one expert for this activity, the No. “1” is inserted in column “B”. Only in the budget line 1-Staff there is a possibility to insert a % amount for the percentual allocation of permanent staff to project activities).
In column “C” it is needed to insert the “subject” referring to the description in column “A” (ex. If you list an expert in budget line 2., then you insert “person” or “contractor” in column “C”).
Column “D” refers to the number of days, months, units etc. which you list in column “E” (ex. if you list an external expert in budget line 2., and this expert is to be engaged for 3 days, then you insert the no. 3 in column “D” and “days” in column “E”).
14. If the country's fiscal policy or Tax Administration does not allow separate sub-accounts for projects in cases of certain for-profit businesses (as is in the case with NGO-s), how to deal with that situation?”
The opening of a separate bank account/sub-account is recommended to ensure clear financial monitoring of the funds. In cases where a potential recipient has no option to do so within their bank, a separate cost unit by the recipient within their own accounting system can be agreed. This is to be documented within the file.
15. Is it possible for an organization to be an applicant and a partner for another project within the same call?
This is allowed. But just be aware, that in case you are selected, GIZ will sign contracts only with one organization per each project proposal. So the partnership will not be included in the grant contract, but it can be mentioned in the framework of the project proposal. In addition, the grantee cannot give subgrants to any other organization. In case of collaboration with other entities, you need to use service/purchase contracts for the specific products/services the partner/collaborator is providing in the framework of this grant.
The information you were looking for is not covered in the Q&A section? Please feel free to contact us anytime via and we will come back to you as soon as possible.